The time of farewell of Pakistan Imran government

The economic condition of Pakistan is very bad. In such a situation, Prime Minister Imran Khan and Pakistan Army Chief Qamar Javed Bajwa are face to face. Imran is waiting till April to appoint the new army chief, while Bajwa is in the process of leaving the Imran government by the end of January or early February and forming a new interim government.

I am not sure that society will protect our interests. I have no intention of putting my fate in the hands of those whose only merit is that they have duped the public to collect votes for themselves’: Mario Puzo, The Godfather US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year narrowed down the definition of the Deep State to just one word. The word was Pakistan. For the last one month, the news is hot that Nawaz Sharif’s journey back from London wants to start. Who is the one who is following the path of this journey? What are the circumstances, which have made Pakistan’s army indirectly inclined to turn to the same Nawaz Sharif, the three-time prime minister, whom he prevented from contesting elections by implicating him in a false case and then to Imran Khan. paved the way for government

Whenever you think of the Pakistani Army, know what its inspiration is. That source is Mario Puzo’s novel The Godfather. Remember, this novel has been repeatedly cited in the hearing of Nawaz Sharif’s case and in the judgment against him. The lines given at the beginning of this article underscore the mindset of the Pakistani army.

In an interview, Mohsin Baig, who was considered very close to the army, revealed all the secrets of bringing Imran Khan to power and told how the results of the elections were changed at the behest of the army. It is being understood in such a way that the army has conveyed its point to the public through this person that it is responsible for bringing Imran and now the process of removing him is about to start.

Today the situation is that recently a statement recorded in London of Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Justice Rana Samim has been published by The News International’s investigative journalist Ansar Abbasi, in which he has told that before the election when Nawaz Sharif And his daughter Maryam was in jail, at the same time that the then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Saqib Nisar, visited his home in Gilgit-Baltistan while on family holidays. He clearly looked troubled and was repeatedly trying to call a judge. Finally, when talked to him, he directed that Nawaz Sharif and his daughter should not be granted bail under any circumstances till the elections are held. At present, in light of this news, the Islamabad High Court has fixed the date for framing of charges of contempt of court against journalist Ansar Abbasi and the owner of the newspaper, considering it to be contempt of court.

Imran-Bajwa’s bets
Meanwhile, Imran’s visit to Lahore has come to light, during which former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Saqib Nisar, secretly met Imran. This meeting was done in a very filmy style in the Cantt area of ​​Lahore. Saqib Nisar’s car was at a designated place where the convoy of Imran’s cars reached and that car was surrounded. Saqib Nisar got out of the car and sat in Imran’s car and later he was dropped back at the same place. The question is why this was done, the answer is the ongoing tug of war between Imran and the army. Remember, Army Chief Bajwa and Imran have come face to face recently over the appointment of ISI chief. In the end, exactly what the soldiers wanted happened. Lieutenant General Nadeem Anjum was made the head of the ISI. Imran and Bajwa are playing their respective tricks in this scenario. On the one hand, Imran is somehow waiting for April, when he announces the new army chief. The same Bajwa is trying to replace Imran and form a new interim government which will work till the elections.

It has a sequel, about which the meeting of Imran and Saqib Nisar takes charge. The intention seems to be that if Saqib Nisar is made the head of the National Accountability Bureau, then all opposition leaders will be jailed for true and false cases, which will pave the way for Imran to remain in power.

military strategy
There is a purpose behind these things. The economic condition of Pakistan is very delicate. The IMF has brought the Pakistani government to its knees in return for one billion dollars. The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Pakistan has been made almost like a Viceroy by separating it from government influence. Whenever he wants, even if he goes on leave, who will run the Reserve Bank in his place, he will also decide for himself and there will be no government interference on him. Remember, Raza Bakar, who is the governor of the Reserve Bank, is engaged with the IMF. Saudi Arabia has given 3 billion dollars to Pakistan, but its terms have probably never been heard before in the history of an independent country. Pakistan government cannot spend it, there will be an interest rate of 4 percent, Saudi Arabia can withdraw this money on 72 hours notice and if Pakistani government is not able to pay it then Pakistani units anywhere in the world i.e. airplanes, Buildings, embassies can be occupied by the Saudi government. Bajwa thinks that relations with India and America should improve and trade should go on, but doing so is not in line with the policies of the Imran government towards India so far.

A remarkable incident happened, in an interview given to a senior journalist Salim Safi, Mohsin Baig, who was considered very close to the army, revealed all the secrets of bringing Imran Khan to power and told how the results of the elections at the behest of the army. alterations were made. It is being understood in such a way that the army has conveyed its point to the public through this person that it is responsible for bringing Imran and now the process of removing him is about to start. It is believed that by the end of January or early February, it will be revealed what will be the outline of the upcoming government and by when the Imran government will be ousted. The coming days will be a matter of great interest in Pakistani politics, it is certain.

(Mahesh Dutt- The author is an expert on Pakistan affairs)

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