Hijab will not work even in France, now preparations to ban hijab in sports

France has long faced a debate over the wearing of religious symbols in public places. This country is a country that believes in secular values ​​and has the largest Muslim population than any other country in Europe.

Tough decisions are being taken one after the other against Islamic fundamentalism in France. This is the same country which has suffered the ruthless brunt of Islamic Jihadist activities and has retaliated strongly every time. Seeing the way some seculars in India have set the hijabi on fire to divide the society under an agenda, there has also been a renewed atmosphere against the hijab.

In France, now the demand to exclude the hijab from sports is also gaining momentum. It is noteworthy that the presidential elections are going to be held in France, so this issue has emerged prominently. There is a bill on the verge of being passed on this.

In fact, France has long been facing a debate over the wearing of religious symbols in public places. This country is a country that believes in secular values ​​and has the largest Muslim population than any other country in Europe.

Importantly, discussions have begun regarding identity and the place of Islam in French society. There are presidential elections to be held in the coming April and this is an issue that has the potential to influence the election of the President.

These days, the discussion in the political circles has intensified on the matter of banning the wearing of hijab in sports competitions in France. The blueprint for the bill related to banning the hijab has been prepared. Although the Senate of France has refused to vote on it, but now it is set to be passed in the National Assembly there.

It has been written in this bill that it is forbidden to wear religious symbols in all the competitions or events organized by all the sports federations in France. At present, this initiative has not been supported by the government of President Emmanuel Macron and its allies.

It is significant that discussions have begun regarding identity and the place of Islam in French society. There are presidential elections to be held in the coming April and this is an issue that has the potential to influence the election of the President.

Commenting on the whole issue, the Minister of Citizenship, Marlene Schiappa says that ‘our enemy is radical Islamism, not Islam’. Let us tell here that in 2024 France will organize the Summer Olympic Games. Keeping this in mind, Senator Stephane Piednoir, who is considered to be a right-wing, says that the Olympic Charter supports political and religious neutrality.

Recently, Peednoir said in the Upper House that ‘we cannot compromise on secularism’. France cannot undermine the Olympic movement. The Charter of the Olympics states that ‘no demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda of any kind is permitted in any place, venues or other areas where the Olympics are held.’

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