In-charge Superintendent of Police Surajpur took the virtual crime meeting of the police station in-charge.

Surajpur: Ensuring speedy action in the registered crimes, especially cases related to women and children in the police stations, to resolve the registered cases on the basis of seriousness and sensitivity and to ensure speedy justice to the victims, after completing the investigation of the case properly, presented in the challan court. Yes, pending complaint, investigation should be resolved soon, for this purpose, Superintendent of Police Surajpur Mr. Rajesh Agrawal took a crime meeting of all police gazetted officers and police station in-charges of the district through virtual medium on Saturday 22 January 2022. He took detailed information from the police station in-charges about the pending crimes, complaints, missing persons and cases related to women and children pending with them and asked citizens to resolve them quickly, work with teamwork and prevent corona infection. Instructed to make aware

He said that appropriate action should be taken towards providing justice to the victim, do not move the complainant after coming to the police station-post with the problem, but listen to his problem seriously and take quick action and get booster dose for everyone to prevent corona infection. gave instructions. In the year 2021, on being asked the data of the total crime registered in the police station and outpost and other information, the outpost in-charge, Latori Sunil Singh told that 100 percent of all the crimes registered in the year 2021 should be removed, on which the Superintendent of Police in-charge gave a cash prize of 500 rupees to the outpost in-charge. announced to give During this, Additional Superintendent of Police Harish Rathore, ASP PS Mahilane, DSP Ms. Nandani Pankara, Office Superintendent Santosh Verma, Establishment In-Charge Akhilesh Singh were present and CSP JP Bhartendu, SDOP Premnagar Prakash Soni, SDOP Pratappur Amolak Singh SDOP Odgi. All the police station in-charges including Rajesh Joshi were associated with this virtual meeting.

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