Holi festival brought employment, training being given to women self-help groups from making gulal to selling

Surajpur: Sisters of Women Self Help Groups told that for the first time this year they are making herbal gulal. Under the instructions of Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh and under the guidance of District Panchayat CEO Rahul Dev, these women were provided training in making Gulal, providing them the means of employment, so that they can earn good income at home. He told that this herbal gulal does not have any side effect on health. There is no irritation due to going into the eyes, there is no problem of itching of any kind on the skin.

District Mission Manager NRLM Gyanendra Singh said that training is being given from making gulal to market making through the women self-help group didis. Red, green, yellow, blue and pink colored gulal is made in 2 quintal quantity, which is also being sold by putting up stalls.

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