Administrative team stopped child marriage of 15 year old girl

Surajpur: On the instructions of District Collector Dr. Gaurav Kumar Singh, a joint team of district child protection has been formed keeping a close watch on child marriage. Information was received by the villagers that a 15-year-old Muslim girl is being married by the villagers in village-Bhavrahi Police Chanki-Basdei, VK Bhaiyathan. The procession is coming from Anuppur in Madhya Pradesh. District Program Officer Chandrabes Singh Sisodia was informed about the information received by the District Child Protection Officer. On the instructions of District Program Officer, Anganwadi worker and child line was given to Odgi for verification of age. Tell the family members that the girl has not studied in any school, she has only gone to the madrasa. On inquiry it was found that the girl had studied for five years in a school in the same village. After knowing the date of birth from school, the girl child turned out to be only 15 years and 03 months.

District Child Protection Officer Manoj Jaiswal got the above certificate made and formed a joint team and started talking about going to the respective marriage venue and the date of birth of the girl child was 2003, on which the District Child Protection Officer gave her the cooperation of the administrative team. When the school certificate was presented, the family became calm. He promised not to marry and to educate the girl child. The Panchnama of Uktasaya was done by the father’s promissory note and the girl’s statement.

The District Child Protection Officer explained to the families that if child marriage takes place, then action will be taken under Child Marriage Prohibition Act and if the girl child goes away without marriage then the offense of kidnapping will be registered. The groom and his father were also explained through mobile. All agreed to do the marriage later.

District Child Protection Officer Manoj Jaiswal, Protection Officer Akhilesh Singh, Counselor Jainendra Dubey, Supervisor Maya Chandrakala Jaiswal, Outreach Worker Har Govind Chakradhari, Radha Yadav from Child Line, Anwari Khatun, Police Basdei constable Amit Kumar, Omprakash Singh, Sangeet Kumar , Krishna Dubey and Brijesh Sahu were present.

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