What is Urban Naxal and how does it work?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently attacked the Congress party on many issues. The word that made the most headlines in this speech given by Prime Minister Modi in Parliament is ‘Urban Naxal’. The Prime Minister said that the Congress is trapped in the clutches of Urban Naxal thinking. He said that the entire thinking of Congress has been occupied by Urban Naxals.

After this remark of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Urban Naxal was trending extensively on every platform of social media. In the midst of all this, there were many people who did not know the meaning of this word. Apart from this, there are some people who know that Urban Naxals are anti-India but they are not aware of how they work.

In fact, Urban Naxal is a group in which people from different classes and fields are included. Their sole purpose is to create instability in India and carry out various activities according to the instructions of foreign powers. Apart from this, providing intellectual shield to the Maoist terrorists sitting in the forest.

Let me remind you an incident in the year 2010 when the biggest Maoist terrorist attack of this country took place in Tadmetla of Dantewada. In this Maoist terrorist attack, 76 security forces personnel were martyred. When the whole country was engulfed in mourning for the sacrifice of these jawans, a famous university in the capital of the country celebrated this attack by leftist students.

In this university, leftists and people of Islamic ideology had celebrated the death anniversary of Islamic terrorist Afzal Guru. Apart from this, the way in which people of one ideology had raised slogans in this university, wishing that India should be fragmented, it has also been seen by all.

Apart from all this, let me remind you some more incidents that the names of professors of various big universities of the country and some activists who surrendered and arrested Maoists have openly taken the names of the arrested Maoists in front of the police. It also includes names of Maoists like Podium Panda who have named so-called Urban Naxals like Nandini Sundar.

Now the biggest question arises that who are these people after all? How do all this work? After all, why do they do all these things?

In fact, the poll of their most nexus was exposed in front of the country in the year 2018 when urban Maoists (Urban Naxals) were arrested from across the country. The accused were arrested from different places of the country in connection with the riots in Bhima Koregaon.

They came to be called Urban Naxals due to the fear of having links with the Maoists. In a way, the alleged intellectuals of the city having links with the Maoists, this was the first time such words were used openly for the people carrying out Maoist activities in the city itself.

The class living in the city, who are engaged in Maoist activities by adopting the form of journalists, poets, writers, intellectuals, human rights activists, cultural workers, feminists or are directly or indirectly helping the Maoists-Naxalites, only they should be called Urban It has been called Naxal. It also includes that large part of the society called mainly intellectuals, who have always tried to show themselves as fair and neutral.
Everyone has seen Naxalbari and the Naxalism that emerged from there, its shortcomings and misdeeds have also been understood and explained in detail. But the urban expansion of Naxalism-Maoist and its working has always been mysterious.

Although there have been many such examples from time to time as to how Maoism is expanding in collaboration with the urban area, but no in-depth study or analysis has been done on this subject.

This is the reason that when the Maoist supporters were called “Urban Naxals” in the country, the “Me to Urban Naxal” campaign run by the Left included to some extent that part of the youth which is considered neutral.

The true outline of the Maoists’ urban web was drawn in 2004. After the beginning of Maoist violence in India, Naxalism started spreading in the intellectual field from the 80s itself. From educational institutions to social and influential institutions began to take possession.

The Communist Party of India (Maoist) was formed in 2004 with the merger of the CPI (Marxist-Leninist), the People’s War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre. After the formation of CPI (Maoist), the leadership of Maoists came out of the jungle towards the city. What was once the center of the Naxalites and their leadership was in the jungles, it has now come to the urban areas.

In 2004, a document of CPI (Maoist) came out, this document came to the fore that revealed how much Maoism is excited about its urbanization and wants to expand its metropolis. The ideology of Maoism is that of the Left, due to which the aid of the Maoists was provided at many levels in India by the allies of the Left at the global level.

The strategy for expansion of Maoists in cities was discussed in the 2004 document “CPI (Maoist): Urban Perspectives”. It was said to try to find the leadership of Naxalism in the cities out of the jungle.

The document also revealed that middle class employees, student class, working class, women, downtrodden class, religious minorities and some eminent intellectuals of the society were trying to join their ideology and create groups in the city.

This document also included the emphasis on urban leadership and expertise in the urban sector, as well as organizing industrial workers and laborers, establishing separate fronts, and military activities. Since some cases are marred by legal entanglements, leading institutions can be seen working mostly with the face of human rights and non-governmental organizations.

The CPI (Maoist) party and all its affiliated organizations have been listed as terrorist organisations. Despite this, some leading organizations that support Naxalism are very active in big and small cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Ranchi, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Thiruvananthapuram and Pune.

Now if we understand carefully, it is clearly visible how the leadership of Maoism has moved from the jungles to the cities. From the supply of resources to the directions, it is happening from the cities.

From time to time, the police have arrested people associated with the field of art, education, literature, media, law from different areas of the country who are directly involved in Naxal activities.

When we are talking about the urban perspective of Maoists and the urbanization of CPI (Maoist), it is very important to know its origin. After all, how can a litterateur or journalist sitting in the cities help the Naxalites? After all, how can a human rights activist raise the voice of Naxalites? For this we need to understand the Maoism of India. To understand Maoism, it is necessary to understand Mao.

Mao means Mao-tse-tung (Mao Zedong). A communist leader of China who later became an autocratic dictator. The leftists sitting in India try their best to adopt the decisions taken by Mao. India’s Naxalism is an exact copy of Mao Zedong’s strategy.

Various types of analysis are done on Urban Naxal in India, but these activities are not seen by linking them with the activities of Mao Zedong. In fact, in 1934, Mao Zedong’s Pad Yatra (The Long March) and his strategies during that time are being repeated in today’s time.

In 1934, China’s communist army made a long journey to escape the established government. This army was doing guerrilla war by working against the regime like the Maoists of today. This long march was led by Mao Zedong. In this journey of 370 days, the people of Mao and Communist army crossed about 22 rivers and many mountains. Ultimately this march was successful.

The main reason for the success of this march was that Mao Zedong had included some people associated with him in different media groups and literary world of the country. In some time intervals, they were used to inform the strategies to be made by the government and to give other information. Information was conveyed to them through articles and literature. Similarly Mao Zedong made extensive use of newspapers and literature throughout his march.

Now look carefully at the current activities. Reputed newspapers in different languages ​​of the country are delivered to the Maoists every now and then. Many types of magazines are published in this regard. It is a crime to have and read Maoist literature by law, but in today’s digital age there is no dearth of means of communication.

In a time when there was no such thing as social media, Mao Zedong, with the help of the urbanization of the Left, also presented his armed rebellion and guerrilla war as revolution to the world. Even today, these so-called revolutionaries still have enormous resources and communication options.

Urban Naxal or Urban Naxal is that problem of the country which is hollowing the country from within. An Urban Naxal while living in a city tries to cover up or justify the misdeeds committed by the Naxalites. A lawyer gives legal advice, an educated journalist exchanges information, a poet sings and writes songs for the ideology of the Naxalites, a filmmaker makes films to be consolation to the Naxalites, a litterateur writes about the incidents done by the Naxalites. Explains the reasons behind and justifies it, there is a group that calls for human rights of Naxalites when they encounter them.

All of them directly or indirectly propagate an ideology which promotes Maoism. It tries to create consolation towards Maoists by taking out the hatred they have towards it.

But the question is still that why do they do this? Some say that they do everything for money. but it’s not like that. Yes it is absolutely true that there is a class among them who do all these activities for money but there are some who are completely brainwashed. Leftist thinkers (Urban Naxals) sitting as professors and activists in big universities of the country slowly give sweet poison of Left to their students.

Poor and middle-class youth from small towns live in their center. They are brainwashed in such a way that they themselves do not know in which direction they are going. Not only this, from big universities to small tribal areas of areas like Bastar and Tripura, leftists sitting as social workers and professors not only brainwash their students and people of tribal society but also exploit them.

Many such incidents have come to the fore when Naxalites arrested and surrendered by the police have admitted to the involvement of such self-proclaimed intellectuals sitting in the cities in Maoist activities, including professors of Delhi University and well-known social activists.

Although one thing is clearly visible that there has been a lot of awareness about Maoism and Left in the country, but the effort of that ecosystem is still going on to call Naxalites and Urban Naxals as activists. A campaign should be launched to save those who help the Maoists from the police and the law. But the speed with which the urban form of Left and Naxalism is being exposed, that day is not far away that the face of the urban Naxalites sitting in the country will come down and come in front of everyone.

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