Hijab Jihad Against Bharat

The video of a burqa clad girl shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ is projected as the “victory of Islam over Hindus” and “rise of Islam in India”. Left-liberals aiding the Islamists’ bid to Islamise Bharat  

A video of a student in Karnataka went viral on social media, where the radical Muslim girl is burqa-clad is seen chanting the ‘Allahu Akbar’ slogan similarly to those Islamic State (ISIS) brides or female brigades of the radical Islamic jihadist outfits. The entire scenario seems to be pre-planned and most definitely enemies of Hindus, India, and agents of jihadist outfits and Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence must have hands behind such outrageous act. Unfortunately, the conglomerate of Islamists, secularists, and communists in India are expressing support for this radical Muslim female, while in most Muslim nations, this particular incident is shown as a “victory of Muslims over Hindus” and the “rise of Islam in India”. This means the notorious conglomerate of Islamists, secularists, and communists are making orchestrated bids to Islamise India.

The burqa (a total head and body covering) has been barred from classrooms in the UK; it is illegal in public places in five Belgian towns. Once-exotic forms of Muslim women’s head and body garments have now become both familiar in the West and the source of fractious political and legal disputes.

The hijab (a hair-covering) is ever-more popular in Detroit but has been banned from French public schools, discouraged by the International Football Association Board, and excluded from a court in the US state of Georgia.

The burqa has been barred from classrooms in the UK; it is illegal in public places in five Belgian towns. Once-exotic forms of Muslim women’s head and body garments have now become both familiar in the West and the source of fractious political and legal disputes

The jilbab (a garment that leaves only the face and hands exposed) was, in a case partly argued by Tony Blair’s wife, first allowed, then forbidden in an English school. The niqab (a total covering except for the eyes) became a hot topic when Jack Straw, a British Labour politician, wrote that he “felt uncomfortable” talking to women wearing it. If Quebec election authorities disallow the niqab from voting booths and a judge disallowed it from a Florida driver’s license, it is permitted in British courts and a Dutch candidate for municipal office wore one. A British hospital even invented a niqab patients’ gown.

The burqa (a total head and body covering) has been barred from classrooms in the UK, is illegal in public places in five Belgian towns, and the Dutch legislature has attempted to ban it altogether. Italy’s “Charter of Values, Citizenship and Immigration” calls face coverings not acceptable. A courtroom in the United States has expelled a burqa’ed woman.

The hijab is ever-more popular in Detroit but has been banned from French public schools, discouraged by the International Football Association Board, and excluded from a court in the state of Georgia in united states of america

According to counterterrorism experts, burqas and niqabs should be banned in all public spaces because they present a security risk. Anyone might lurk under those shrouds – female or male, Muslim or non-Muslim, decent citizen, fugitive, or criminal – with who knows what evil purposes.

We need to note, jihadists and terrorists mostly hide beneath burqas. A spectacular act of would-be escape took place in early July 2019, when Maulana Mohammad Abdul Aziz Ghazi, 46, tried to flee the Red Mosque complex in Islamabad, Pakistan, where he had helped lead an insurrection aiming to topple the government. He donned a black burqa and high heels but, unfortunately for him, his height, demeanor, and potbelly gave him away, leading to his arrest.


(The author is a multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Weekly Blitz. Follow him on Twitter @salah_shoaib

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