Are Russia-China really coming close or is this just a trick to show America?

The expressions seen between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, who visited China on the pretext of opening the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, were indicating something special. The two leaders were meeting as if there was a very close relationship. Or was it an attempt to tell the world something in front of the cameras? Experts believe that due to Ukraine tensions, Putin is also trying that he should not be seen alone in front of NATO led by America, the world should see that China is in his court.

China, which has a large stockpile of weapons, including nuclear weapons, has state-of-the-art equipment and a large number of troops. On the other hand, Xi Jinping is on the target of all civilized countries of the world for his dictatorial attitude, repressive policies and allegations of cultivating Corona. So for the time being, this style of Putin and Xi will show their stature even bigger. But the question is, will this closeness last long?

China clearly says that it is also opposed to the inclusion of any new country in NATO. On the other hand, Putin has put his hand on Xi’s back on the issue of Taiwan. Putin said his country was a supporter of the “one China policy”. After this talks between the two leaders, a joint statement was issued in which both countries say that their ‘new relationship will be stronger than any political or military alliance of the Cold War era’.

On his arrival in Beijing, Xi not only gave him a warm welcome, but also walked together and showed the qualities of China, tasted delicious Chinese cuisine and danced and danced. Xi described Russia as China’s ‘best friend’. The two leaders announced that a new era of friendship was beginning in the two countries.

Meanwhile, tensions are increasing in Ukraine. The European Union, the US and other countries are trying to settle the matter and reconcile, but the dogma of both sides remains in its place. But as long as the Olympics are going on in China, Russia will probably not take a war-like step. The reason, according to sources, is that Xi has told Putin not to do anything for the time being that will divert the world’s attention away from the Beijing event.

But President Xi has openly announced his support for Russia in Ukraine. China has a figure of thirty-six from America as well. He has not forgotten the trade war with America when his economy suffered a major blow. China has also given a signal to NATO countries not to think of China alone. After the meeting, it was also said on behalf of the two leaders that there would be no boundaries in relations between Beijing and Moscow, both countries would fully cooperate with each other.

China clearly says that it is also opposed to the inclusion of any new country in NATO. On the other hand, Putin has put his hand on Xi’s back on the issue of Taiwan. Putin said his country was a supporter of the “one China policy”. After this talks between the two leaders, a joint statement was issued in which both countries say that their ‘new relationship will be stronger than any political or military alliance of the Cold War era’. Both countries say that now no area of ​​cooperation will be barred.

In the joint statement, both sides have said that they will now work together on the issue of space, climate change, artificial intelligence and control of the Internet. On the other hand, Russia objected in a way to the quad platform built to surround China. Putin expressed his support for Beijing’s opposition to the creation of the Quad organization in the Asia-Pacific region. It is noteworthy that India is also a member of Quad.

It is noteworthy that US President Joe Biden has warned Russia that if Ukraine is attacked, it will have very serious consequences. He made it clear that Putin would face severe economic sanctions. It was probably in this statement that Xi Jinping expressed his serious concern over the ‘Ocus Defense Alliance’ with Putin, showing his toughness. America has made this alliance with Australia.

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