Indian society life and cattle

In order to save the cows, equal number of articles have been published in Panchjanya. An article by Lala Hardayal Sahai, the then minister of Bharat Gosevak Samaj was published in an issue of October 1958, which is being published here with editing

The saying of Prime Minister Nehru and other leaders that different states should make laws on the killing of cows according to their own system is not correct. Till cow slaughter is not stopped simultaneously in the whole country, then cows and bulls will continue to be slaughtered from one province to another. On the one hand, it is said that the state governments have a free hand to stop cow slaughter. They can do whatever they want, but in reality the central government and its leaders stop the law from enacting a complete prohibition of cow slaughter. As is evident from the letter dated 20 December 1952 issued from the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. By this letter, the meaning of Article 48 of the Constitution was not only violated, but all the states were also prevented from making laws for complete slaughter of cows. It can be said with certainty that in spite of the State Government’s plan in Bhopal, the Central Government did not allow the law of prohibition of cow slaughter and also obstructed the introduction of the Bill in Hyderabad. The experience of the last six years certainly shows that the Government of India and its leaders want to continue killing not only the useless, but also the useful cows.

During the British rule, cow slaughter was usually done only in slaughterhouses. Its number could be estimated, but today butchers fearlessly kill cows even in homes and open fields.

Therefore, it cannot be known that the number of cow slaughter is in the country, but from the export of beef and calf skins, it can be estimated that cow slaughter is increasing. For example, in 1942-43, 2.5 lakh calves skins from undivided India were sent to foreign countries, but in 1952-53, two million calves skins were exported from India. In these, the skins of calves have often been obtained by slaughter, because more skins of calves are not obtained by death. Whatever is found is not good, so skins are often obtained only by slaughter. Besides calves, exports of other types of skins, leather and leather goods and bone are also increasing. In 1952-53, by plane from Delhi, four tons or 112 manads were taken, which cost Rs 3459.7. Yes, it was sent. In the time of the British want to continue the meat of old and useless animals.

During the British rule, cow slaughter was usually done only in slaughterhouses. Its number could be estimated, but today butchers fearlessly kill cows even in homes and open fields. Therefore, it cannot be known that the number of cow slaughter is in the country, but from the export of beef and calf skins, it can be estimated that cow slaughter is increasing. For example, in 1942-43, 2.5 lakh calves skins from undivided India were sent to foreign countries, but in 1952-53, two million calves skins were exported from India. In these, the skins of calves have often been obtained by slaughter, because more skins of calves are not obtained by death. Whatever is found is not good, so skins are often obtained only by slaughter. Besides calves, exports of other types of skins, leather and leather goods and bone are also increasing. In 1952-53, by plane from Delhi, four tons or 112 manads were taken, which cost Rs 3459.7. Yes, it was sent. In the time of the British, the meat of old and useless animals is a question of life and death. It is related to the building and upliftment of our country. So all of us Indians should pay attention to whichever side we agree with.

Nehru’s answer to baseless arguments
Indian culture, ancient tradition, experts’ opinion and support of prohibition of cow slaughter by Article 48 of the Constitution does not need any other argument, but in public by the gentlemen influenced by Prime Minister Nehru and Western civilization and who consider the benefit of butchers more than the national interest. It is necessary and imperative to answer their arguments to remove the confusion which is being spread. Nehru gave a speech in front of the Agriculture Ministers on 24 September 1953, the summary of which is – 1. Stopping the slaughter of crippled and old cows is harmful for the country. 2. Only those who worship cows make cows useless. 3. Cows are good in countries where there is no cow worship. 4. If cow slaughter continues, the election will be affected, it is not right. We should clearly make a policy of continuing the killing of luli, lame, cows without fear in elections.

According to the recommendation of government animal experts and according to Article 48 of the Constitution, the killing of old, crippled cows should also be prohibited. Gandhiji wrote in Navjivan dated July 17, 1927, “All the cows sold in the market should be bought by the state by paying the maximum price. The state must protect all the old, lula, lame and sick cowherds.

Therefore, if the government works wisely, properly uses the grass of its forests, which is wasted billions of minds every year, then the useless animals are not harmful, crores of rupees will be spent. Can become a source of annual income. The cow dynasty has not been made useless by the cow worshippers, but by the government’s devious and neglectful policy. Even today, the slaughter of young cows, calves and heifers, which give more and more milk, continues. Good cows get slaughtered. Those who survive are useless. Only the government could manage good bulls and the means of fodder. Even without this, the cow became useless.

Due to the lack of resources and poverty due to the influence of western civilization, the public did not even care, but in fact the government has done the work of making the cow useless than the people.

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