Kashmir Files: A film depicting the massacre of Pandits who were victims of Jihad in the Valley, on the silver screen.

There are many wounds that cannot be healed even with time. The massacre of Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley in 1990 is one such wound, from which the Pandit community has not been able to recover even after fighting for three decades. In the 90s in the streets of the valley, Kashmiri Pandits were punished for being Hindus in the valley. This was the period when radical jihadists waved Kalashnikovs in public in the markets of Srinagar, massacred Pandits, pasted pamphlets outside their homes, rebuked their daughters in a market full of ghastly rapes, lynched mosques. Slogans were given to the pundits on loudspeakers from “Raliv, Chaliv or Galiv” meaning kill, run away or convert to Islam.

They were told that we will make Kashmir Pakistan not with you but with your women. All this was done in the valley in the name of Islamic Jihad, during which the pundits were told that Nizam-e-Mustafa will run here and not democracy. All this was being done by the jihadis in the Valley when the Home Minister of the country was a Kashmiri Muslim. The helplessness of governance in the face of jihadis and the silence of the central government in New Delhi forced the minority Kashmiri Hindu Pandit community, who constitute about 10% of the entire population of Kashmir, to leave the valley.

migration and politics

It cannot be considered a mere coincidence that a foreign conspiracy of just a few months has forced more than 5 lakh Kashmiri Pandits to leave their culture, their heritage and their heavenly motherland, this poison has flourished there for many decades. The Islamic fundamentalist ideology was slowly gaining ground in Kashmir for several decades, only in the year 1990, this ideology had fulfilled its practical goals. In fact, after the partition on religious grounds, there was only one such state in the Republic of India, in which Hindus used to be a minority and this also became the real reason for their migration. Although this jihad and its perpetrators were from the local Kashmiri Muslim community, for the past three decades it has been linked to the so-called political problem of Kashmir by the Indian Left, in this order, they have been blamed for the displacement of Pandits by the Left. . After independence, the political parties who did politics keeping the gluttony of power at the center also propagated this concept widely under the politics of appeasement and gradually the Indian public assumed that the massacre of Kashmiri Hindus and their exodus was the cause of Kashmir. It was the result of a political problem, whereas in reality it was a purely Islamic jihad against the Hindus.

shameful character of bollywood

Political parties were not the only ones who shied away from the subject of the brutality of Pandits and their genocide, apart from this, all the institutions which boast of human rights and the judiciary who boasted of firmly establishing the concept of justice in Indian democracy were also involved in Pandits. She continued to ignore him for the carnage. However, the irony in this context is that even the spineless Bollywood, which has made dozens of films on mafia and criminals, has not been able to become the voice of Kashmiri Pandits on this massacre. On this heart-wrenching incident, Bollywood’s sleep was broken when Vivek Agnihotri announced the formation of Kashmir Files. However, soon after the announcement of Agnihotri’s film, the jihadi and leftist group of Bollywood swung into action and quickly decided to make ‘Shikara’, a film emphasizing the leftist concept of Shikara. Emphasizing the concept of leftist class, this film, released in 2020, actually proved to be a lewd joke made with Hindu Kashmiri Pandits. However, it is also meaningless to expect more than this from the so called sold-out purushas of Bollywood who mourn after seeing the role of a particular religion on every minor incident in the country.

The Kashmiri Pandit community, which has been a victim of neglect by political parties, human rights institutions and the film industry, now has high hopes from Vivek Agnihotri’s film The Kashmir File. In fact, Vivek Agnihotri, who has directed the best films like ‘Buddha in a Traffic Jam’ and ‘The Tashkent File’, through this film has engraved the genocide and suffering of Kashmiri Pandits on the silver screen in the same way without any delay. As it should have happened long ago. In this film, apart from portraying the massacre of the Kashmiri Pandit community as a victim of jihad by extremists, Agnihotri also deeply examines the roots of the leftist ideology that has perpetuated the illusion in the Indian public for the past three decades that Kashmiri Pandits should be killed. The accompanying massacre was a political problem. This is the reason that after watching the premiere of the film, the Kashmiri Pandit community could not hold back their emotions and many people were seen crying bitterly in the cinema hall itself.

In fact, in 1990, the Pandit community of the valley had only two options, either they would change their religion and become part of the mob that wanted to bring Nizam-e-Mustafa to Kashmir or they would turn a blind eye to the concern of their daughters before their own eyes. Taking it, the Pandit community chose displacement and left their motherland with wet eyes thinking that one day they would return to the land of their ancestors, although even after 3 decades, the Pandit community is waiting for that day with moist eyes. Is. The film seems to be reflecting the same anticipation of the Pandit community on the silver screen. Agnihotri believes that Indian youth must watch this film so that then no Hindu has to face displacement in this country.

Guilty only Jihad or even Nehru’s idealism?

Vivek Agnihotri’s film The Kashmir Files, which released on March 11, has set the reality of the displacement and genocide of the Kashmiri Hindu Pandit community as the naked truth before the people. The uniqueness of this film is that it has also tarnished the leftist misconceptions that have been spread about the massacre of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits for many decades.

The question is now natural in the minds of the people watching the film, for what purpose was an attempt to hide the plight of Kashmiri Hindus in the name of Kashmir dispute for so many years? In fact, after watching this film, it has become clear that the main role behind the displacement of Hindus from Kashmir is not of Pakistan or US intelligence agencies but of those Kashmiri Jihadis who flourished on the land of Kashmir and seeing Kashmiris led by them. The Muslim community was in the lap of radical ideology. As a result, lakhs of Pandits were forced to migrate from Kashmir, which was once the penance land of Rishi Kashyap.

However, after exposing the reality of Kashmir and the leftist delusions, a question which is now finding its answer in its mouth is that what was the circumstances or background that gave the opportunity to jihad in Kashmir to flourish in this way and how it was possible that such a big The central and state governments remained mute spectators to the mass bloodshed and displacement, the question being whether the class mourning the injury or death of a person in a particular incident against the minority and the so-called pseudo-secularism cloak Why did the people of the clad political parties keep silent on such a gruesome and heart-wrenching massacre, the question is also why this massacre was done on religious grounds of people who malign India’s image and so called human rights institutions by going abroad on small topics. But how is this silence? However, in order to find answers to these questions, it is very important to understand the background of Kashmir, on which hatred of Hindus and Islamic extremist jihad developed over time.

Nehru’s idealism (cowardice)

On 16 August 1946, when the supporters of the Muslim League on the call of Mohammad Ali Jinnah or for the sake of clarity, the Muslims of India massacred Hindus in public for 3 days on the streets of Kolkata, he was considered to be the defacto Prime Minister of India at that time. Jawaharlal Nehru, without any protest, knelt down in front of the leader of the Muslim League, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. As a result, on 15 August 1947, not only was Pakistan separated from the unbroken Indian land, but at least 140000 people died in the horrors of partition. During this tragedy, according to official statistics, more than 200,000 women were raped, Hindu women were paraded naked on the streets of Karachi. Even the government could not collect data related to orphaned children and women pushed into prostitution.

Although the first Prime Minister, who pushed the country towards Partition in the urge to become Prime Minister, was still in the chains of the concept of his self-proclaimed idealism, even after this tragedy. However, in this context it can also be said with certainty that Nehru’s personality had been similar in the past as well. Its authenticity can also be understood from the fact that after the imprisonment of Sheikh Abdullah by Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir in 1946 for inciting Muslims against the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, Jawaharlal reached Kashmir to rescue Abdullah. Were. However, Hari Singh, who was familiar with Abdullah’s hardline, malice mentality, arrested Jawaharlal even before he stepped into Kashmir. Jawaharlal, who considered himself the first Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy, was such a prick that in the spirit of vengeance, he put Kashmir, which is very important from the strategic point of view for India, at stake.

Actually hurt by this behavior done by Raja Hari Singh, Jawaharlal took his vengeance from Raja Hari Singh in 1947. In his conversation with Raja Hari Singh’s representative in anticipation of an attack from Pakistan, Nehru clearly stated that if Kashmir is to be merged with India, it will be through Sheikh Abdullah only through Raja Hari Singh. Not from In fact, with this decision, Jawaharlal was taking resistance from another king Hari Singh for his humiliation, while to prove his so-called idealism great in the eyes of the world, by placing a gun on Sheikh Abdullah’s shoulder, he was trying to make Jinnah look small. were also engaged. Sheikh Abdullah took the opportunity that arose under the ill-effects of this retaliatory policy of Nehru with both hands. This one decision of Nehru had determined the future of Kashmiri Hindus four decades ago and then later on, what no one had imagined happened.

Seeds and Administration of Radicalism

Sheikh Abdullah misused the power he got as a result of Nehru’s wrong policies. Through Article 370, he ensured that a pro-Islamic jihadi government could be established in Kashmir over a period of time. In the year 1949, Nehru completed the Kashmir issue by taking it to the United Nations. Even after the death of Nehru, no serious initiative was ever taken about the radicalism growing in the valley, effectively from the Noura Kashti in the Congress governments of Sheikh Abdullah and the Center respectively. As a result, in just three decades, Kashmir started burning under the fire of Article 370.

In this sequence, the instability that developed in central politics in the 90s worked as fuel in this fire, the silence of the leaders of the political parties progressing on the politics of appeasement in the country and the Hurriyat leaders on the condition of staying away from Pakistan. The gifts delivered from him made Kashmir as if Kashmir is not from India, India is from Kashmir. Now the policies of Sheikh Abdullah were flourishing in Kashmir, whose seeds he had sown in the 60s. In the winter of 1990, the valley was burning in the heat of jihad. The blood of pundits was flowing on the streets. The noise of Raliv, Galiv or Chaliv was reverberating in the streets of Kashmir, the honor of daughters was being plundered. Kashmir was returning the gift of idealism of Nehru with interest.

However, in the context of Pandits, the irony is that even after all this, it was ensured by the leftist class of this country and the proponents of appeasement that no one could give voice to their pain. In fact, what happened in Kashmir was a well-planned conspiracy, at the core of which was the concept of Islamic extremism, which advocates brutally wreaking havoc on Mushriks if they are Darul Islam. What could have been a better opportunity to cash in on the helplessness of the Center and the Jihad growing in the Valley for the havoc inflicted on the Mushriks, when in a country with a Hindu population of 80 percent, there is a person sitting as the Home Minister whose mentality is to make Kashmir a reality. To be seen as a separate nation which is a credible soldier of the same Jihadi concept.

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