On the oral orders of the Collector, CMHO gave jobs to 20 drivers in Health Department Surajpur without any advertisement, show cause notice sent to CMHO, irregularities in recruitment of drivers?

Surajpur: In Surajpur district, some officers are working in keeping with the law, such officers consider themselves to be above the rules and laws, these officers are neither afraid of officers higher than themselves nor the society in their own arbitrary way. They come, they are done and they make rules what they feel is right. The matter is of Surajpur district, where the Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Ransai Singh and District Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar are distributing jobs to their loved ones in an arbitrary manner, that too in a secretive manner without informing anyone, only to their loved ones. . After getting information about the secretly recruiting 20 drivers in the Health Department, Surajpur, the matter was investigated in which a big scam came out. The master mind of the scam, CMHO Run Sai Singh and Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar, secretly recruit only their acquaintances and their well-wishers in the health department. Let us tell you that the information of the vacant posts was given only to its departmental people and their appointment was also done secretly. On the basis of the verbal order of the Collector, the CMHO is discharging his duties.

20 people got jobs without any release

According to the rules of the government, releases are issued for the recruitment of posts in any department. After which applications are taken from the candidates, after which the selection process is done on the basis of merit. But after all, what kind of selection process is this which was made by the Collector and CMHO Surajpur. On which only the people of their department were informed and their acquaintances were given jobs secretly. The appointment was made for 3 months or why the general public was not informed for 1 day. This act of CMHO and Collector compels one to think that in the last 1 month, the speed of corona infection in the district was not even high enough to be appointed in case of emergency, then what was the reason that keeping the rules on hold. Drivers were recruited. This matter also compels one to think that there is no talk of any collusion or transaction in this appointment? Whether these big officers have done transactions or not, but by giving jobs to their relatives, they have definitely flouted the rules of the government.

Departmental people were told from which other people came to know about the job:- Dr. Ransai Singh (CMHO)

After all, Ransai Singh’s saying that only the people of the department were informed for recruitment to the vacant posts, so that other people came to know about it is a very shameful thing, because this thing encourages nepotism, is the government job due to the genealogy system? After the father, the son will be blessed in this position.

Collector gave oral orders

CMHO said in his statement that Surajpur Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar had given oral orders for the recruitment process as well as the collector himself had ordered to give appointment letters to the selected candidates. When this matter is investigated by the team and information is taken from them, the appointment is canceled by Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar, saying that there is irregularity in the recruitment process and a show cause notice is sent to CMHO Ransai Singh. . But the thing to think about is that when the order of recruitment was given by the Collector and the order to give the appointment letter was also given by him, then if there has been irregularity in the recruitment then why show cause notice was sent only to Ran Sai Singh? Because according to the CMHO, the complete information about how the entire process of recruitment was done, who was appointed, had already been given to the Collector Surajpur. If the collector was already aware of the irregularities, then why was he kept silent in the matter? Why did he order cancellation of appointment only when the matter was raised? Why is only the CMHO being blamed in this case? Which is very surprising. When we talked to Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar in this matter, the collector says that in view of the emergency situation of Corona, oral orders were given and some people had objection to this appointment, due to this the appointment has been canceled and CMHO Show cause notice has been issued.

Show cause notice issued secretly
After the disclosure of the matter, Collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar told that the recruitment has been canceled due to irregularities in the recruitment and a show cause notice has been issued to CMHO Ransai Singh. It is a matter of thinking that why collector Mr. Gaurav Kumar is trying to hide this matter because secretly appointing 20 drivers, then canceling the appointment and not informing anyone about it and the CMHO who is irregular in the appointment. Issuance of show cause notice and not giving its information to anyone raises questions on the functioning of Collector Surajpur.

Bad joke being made with unemployed.
Hiring in this way secretly and cancellation of appointment after a week is totally unfair to the unemployed youth. There is nepotism in politics but if nepotism starts happening in government offices too, then it will be injustice to the unemployed eligible candidates.

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